Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Radio Tjawang

Radio Tjawang 

Drs. Thayeb Mohammad Gobel mendirikan PT. Transistor Radio Manufacturing Co., yang memproduksi radio transistor, dengan merek “Transistor” dan juga “Tjawang”. 

Dalam suatu kesempatan Presiden Soekarno bertanya kepada Thayeb Gobel, " Mengapa memilih usaha radio transistor?" Jawabnya, "Supaya pidato Bapak dapat sampai kepada orang-orang di desa, di tempat yang jauh terpencil, di kaki gunung, di pulau-pulau, meskipun di tempat-tempat tersebut belum ada listrik, Pak". Sekitar satu juta unit radio transistor "Transistor" dan "Tjawang" berhasil diproduksi dan dipasarkan dalam kurun waktu 1956-1964. Sumber;

Drs.Thayeb mohammad gobel of setting up pt.Transistors radio manufacturing co. , which produces radio transistors, with a brand transistors” and also tjawang. In an opportunity president soekarno ask thayeb gobel, ' why choose business radio transistors? 'He answered, ' that speech father reach to the people in this village, in aloof, in the foot of the mountain, in the islands, although in places has not have electricity, pak'.About one million units radio transistors ' transistor' and ' tjawang' successfully produced and marketed in the past 1956-1964.Source;

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